Greek knowlage

  1. 2. Held the feathers of the wings of Daedalus together
  2. 4. Has donkey ears cursed upon him by Pan
  3. 9. Turned into a spider by an envious goddess
  4. 11. Hero known for slaying the Chimera while riding Pegasus with a golden bridle
  5. 12. Aided Psyche in sorting grain
  6. 14. Stole his father Helios's chariot of the sun
  7. 15. Gifted Pandora's box
  8. 17. Flower that first grew from the body of a selfish man
  9. 18. Has beautiful watching feathers from Hera
  10. 19. Large reptile guarding the golden fleece
  1. 1. Material of the stymphalian birds wings, beaks, and claws
  2. 3. A fruit of which Persephone ate the seeds of
  3. 4. walks on four legs in the morning, two legs at noon, and three in the evening
  4. 5. Husband of Alcmene mother of Heracles
  5. 6. Stole fire from Zeus
  6. 7. Three headed dog guarding the underworld
  7. 8. Killed his grandfather King Acrisius with a discus
  8. 10. Cursed Narcissus to fall in love with his own reflection
  9. 13. Monster with the head of a lion, body of a goat, and a snake for a tail
  10. 16. Terrifying creatures with the faces of hideous women and the bodies of vultures