Greek Mythology

  1. 2. famous writer who wrote about Trojan war
  2. 7. Father of the Gods
  3. 8. Messenger god
  4. 9. the greatest Greek warrior
  5. 10. Goddess of agriculture, controls the seasons
  6. 12. He killed Achilles
  7. 13. God of the sea
  8. 14. commander of Greek army in the Trojan war
  9. 15. Blacksmith god
  10. 16. get the oxen of Geryon
  11. 19. kill the nemean lion
  12. 21. Zeus’ rainbow messenger
  13. 22. get the Cerberus
  14. 25. kill the erymanthian boar
  15. 26. Mother of Zeus
  16. 27. tame the horses of Diomedes
  17. 28. get the belt of queen hippolyta
  1. 1. King of Troy; Paris and Hectors mother
  2. 2. God of the underworld
  3. 3. the year the Trojan war took place
  4. 4. get the Arcadian deer
  5. 5. drink of the Gods
  6. 6. food of the gods
  7. 11. King of the Gods
  8. 13. Greatest race of titan, brought fire to man
  9. 16. get the golden apples of Hesperides
  10. 17. Goddess of discord and quarreling who started Trojan war
  11. 18. kill the Cretan bull
  12. 20. clean the Augean stables
  13. 23. kill the lernean hydra
  14. 24. scare the stymphalian