Greek Mythology

  1. 2. Midas wished that everything we touched was...
  2. 3. Hercules grew up in the city of...
  3. 5. cancer
  4. 6. king of Troy;Paris’s father
  5. 8. killed Achilles
  6. 12. designed the “trick” that won the war
  7. 14. Queen Of Troy
  8. 17. rainbow goddess
  9. 18. The moon priestesses Ruled in the days of ancient
  10. 20. goddess of family and marriage
  11. 21. Echo was the favorite nymph of the goddess...
  12. 23. Echo was unfairly punished by...
  13. 24. Apollo and Artemis were born on the island of...
  14. 25. Psyche means the...
  15. 26. king of the sea
  16. 27. the child of a god and a human
  17. 28. Troy is located in mordern day...
  1. 1. the famous author who wrote about the Trojan war
  2. 3. Achilles mother
  3. 4. Achilles friend
  4. 5. The priests for Apollo’s temple were from...
  5. 7. King of the gods
  6. 9. Commander Of Greek army
  7. 10. The goddess of righteous anger
  8. 11. Threw The apple of discord
  9. 13. the old teacher of Bacchus
  10. 15. the greatest Greek warrior
  11. 16. the son married a radiant lady...
  12. 19. won the apple of discord
  13. 22. love god