Greek Mythology

  1. 2. of the sea
  2. 4. of all monsters
  3. 7. horse
  4. 8. of the olympian gods
  5. 11. of trade
  6. 12. of the winds
  7. 14. dragon
  8. 15. Virgin Goddess of the hearth
  9. 17. of time
  10. 20. of beauty and desire
  11. 24. Sheild
  12. 25. of vineyards
  13. 26. of Wisdom and Strategy
  14. 28. of sun and light
  15. 30. of terror
  16. 31. of chaos
  17. 33. of love
  18. 34. of hades
  19. 37. dragon
  20. 39. with two heads
  21. 40. of the eponymous river
  22. 41. of starvation and famine
  23. 42. of Diomedes/Four horses that ate humans
  1. 1. of rainbows
  2. 3. of the night
  3. 5. of magic and witchcraft
  4. 6. Satar
  5. 8. graces
  6. 9. of a man head of a bull
  7. 10. of death
  8. 13. of fear
  9. 16. deitie
  10. 18. of dreams
  11. 19. God of metal working
  12. 21. deity between good and evil
  13. 22. Half-horse
  14. 23. of sleep
  15. 27. of divine retribution and revenge
  16. 29. of Marriage and Birth
  17. 32. of a human, body of a monster
  18. 35. of thunder
  19. 36. God of war
  20. 38. God of the hunt and moon