Greek Mythology

  1. 2. Roman Alternative of Rhea
  2. 4. Island where Aphrodite was Born
  3. 5. Castor's Brother
  4. 7. Prometheus' Son
  5. 11. Muse of History
  6. 13. Cepheus' Daughter
  7. 15. Helen's Home
  8. 16. Goddess of Childbirth
  9. 17. Heracle's Mortal Father
  10. 20. Mother of the Muses
  11. 22. Hades' Pet
  12. 24. Largest River God
  13. 25. Old Satyrs
  14. 26. Creator of the Labyrinth
  1. 1. Persephone's Roman Alternative
  2. 3. Circe's Niece
  3. 6. Princess of Elis
  4. 8. Woman with Dogs for Legs
  5. 9. God of Nature
  6. 10. Deadly Singer
  7. 12. Theseus' Birthplace
  8. 13. Fairy Goat
  9. 14. Gods' Cupbearer
  10. 18. Inventor of the Lyre
  11. 19. Heracles' Music Teacher
  12. 21. Goddess of Hygeine
  13. 23. Egyptian Queen