Greek Mythology

  1. 4. God of the Underworld
  2. 5. god of time
  3. 7. god of law and justice
  4. 9. one eyed monster
  5. 11. god of wine
  6. 14. Has snakes for hair
  7. 15. head of an eagle and body of a lion
  8. 16. wife of zeus
  9. 18. god of the sea
  10. 19. god of war
  1. 1. Dog with three heads
  2. 2. goddess of love
  3. 3. has thunder bolts
  4. 5. half-man half-horse
  5. 6. father of the titans
  6. 8. the messenger
  7. 10. fire bird
  8. 12. bird-like women
  9. 13. horse with wings
  10. 17. god of love
  11. 18. Wife of Hades