Greek Mythology Crossword #1

  1. 3. Poseidon is often pictured carrying this.
  2. 8. Though married to Hephaestus, Aphrodite liked this god better.
  3. 9. These were the hundred-handed monsters.
  4. 13. This goddess is often pictured with a hunting bow and hounds.
  5. 14. This god was the personification of sleep.
  6. 15. This god of wine, vegetation, and madness was the youngest Olympian.
  7. 16. This goddess home and hearth gave up her seat for Dionysus.
  8. 18. She was the primordial goddess of the earth.
  1. 1. Her sacred animal was a peacock.
  2. 2. This term refers to all the deities a society worships
  3. 4. This alternate, Roman title for Hades means "Rich Father."
  4. 5. Greek myths were originally handed down through this.
  5. 6. This titaness was the mother of the 9 Muses.
  6. 7. This personification of spring was also the queen of the Underworld.
  7. 9. This goddess had a residence in the Underworld.
  8. 10. This defeated titan became the ruler of Elysium.
  9. 11. This titan held the world on his shoulders.
  10. 12. This god of medicine and disease, sun, poetry, and music had an oracle at Delphi.
  11. 13. This goddess turned Arachne into a spider as punishment for pride.
  12. 14. This guy is the author of the Theogeny
  13. 17. Weapon used to attack Uranus