Greek Mythology Crossword

  1. 2. Who is the guardian of the underworld entry?
  2. 4. Who is the goddess of love?
  3. 6. Who is the God of crops and harvesting?
  4. 7. Who is the god of war?
  5. 8. Who is the friend of Percy Jackson (daughter of Athena)
  6. 10. What river did Percy Jackson take a dip in?(It is in the underworld)
  7. 12. who is the king of the gods?
  8. 13. Who killed the most famous gorgon Medusa?
  9. 14. Who is the satyr in Percy Jackson?
  10. 15. Who made Zeus's thunderbolt?
  11. 17. What is Apollos sacred animal
  1. 1. Who is the twin sister of Apollo?
  2. 3. Who is the father of Poseidon, Hades and Zeus?
  3. 5. Who is the messenger god?
  4. 7. What famous hero fought in the Trojan War?
  5. 8. Who did the Trojans honour mainly?
  6. 9. Who is the wife of Hades
  7. 10. Who pulls Poseidon's chariot?
  8. 11. Who killed Achilles?
  9. 14. What did medusa get turned into?
  10. 16. Who is married to Zeus?