Greek Mythology

  1. 3. God of the Sun
  2. 6. Mountain home of the gods
  3. 8. Goddess of Wisdom
  4. 9. God of the Underworld
  5. 10. Weapon of Zeus
  6. 12. Daughter of Demeter, wife to Hades
  7. 14. Goddess of the hunt
  8. 15. Goddess of love and beauty
  9. 17. Hades' three headed dog
  10. 19. Carried by Poseidon
  11. 20. Messanger of the gods
  1. 1. Titan Father of Zeus
  2. 2. Symbol of Athena
  3. 4. Goddess of women and marriage
  4. 5. God of the Seas
  5. 7. Titan Mother of Zeus
  6. 9. Goddess of the hearth and home
  7. 11. God of fire and the forge
  8. 13. Goddess of Fertility
  9. 16. God of war
  10. 18. King of the Gods