Greek Mythology

  1. 1. god of sun, music and healing
  2. 4. king of athens
  3. 5. trojan war hero
  4. 8. spirit of law
  5. 9. strongest man
  6. 10. based on sea power
  7. 14. supposedly stole a bolt
  8. 15. goddess of love
  9. 16. queen of gods
  10. 17. kingdom of the dead
  11. 20. cursed sisters with serpents for hair
  12. 21. god of wine
  13. 23. king of gods
  14. 25. god of animals & childbirth
  15. 26. spirits of dreams
  16. 27. goddess of wisdom
  1. 2. king
  2. 3. the huntress
  3. 6. one eyed giant
  4. 7. the legandary 10 year war of troy
  5. 11. goddess of home & cooking
  6. 12. god of fire
  7. 13. god of sea
  8. 18. king of ithaca
  9. 19. god of thunder
  10. 21. goddess of agriculture
  11. 22. youngest & craftiest of the immortals
  12. 24. monster with normal face & snake hair
  13. 27. god of war
  14. 28. king of the underworld