Greek Pantheon

  1. 1. First letter of the Greek alphabet.
  2. 5. Last letter of the Greek alphabet.
  3. 6. Where all the gods hang out.
  4. 7. A fisherman's best friend.
  5. 8. Mirror, mirror, on the wall. Who's the fairest of them all?
  6. 10. Head honcho. Big man on campus. #1 Guy.
  7. 11. Roman gladiators fought to the death in here.
  8. 12. I hate you. I'm angry. Let's fight!
  9. 15. Jealous all the time.
  10. 16. Happy Lunar New Year!!
  1. 1. Famous piece of Greek architecture.
  2. 2. The Demon King.
  3. 3. If it weren't for her, we wouldn't have bread.
  4. 4. DJ, turn it up up up up up up up up...
  5. 8. Captain of the string instruments.
  6. 9. Master builder.
  7. 11. Feed him some bones and maybe he'll let you in to the underworld.
  8. 13. Best deliveryman ever.
  9. 14. Mr. Grim reaper himself, the ferryman of the underworld.