Greek/Latin Roots 3-4

  1. 2. the study of the earth's physical and cultural features
  2. 4. a standard of measurement
  3. 8. write
  4. 10. move
  5. 11. a word thrown into a sentence or conversation to show emphasis or emotion
  6. 13. to send someone out; let them leave
  7. 14. measure
  8. 15. the same consistent shape all the way through
  9. 18. to move people or things around for a person
  10. 19. the quality of bending without breaking
  11. 20. throw
  12. 22. the writing of a person's own signature
  1. 1. to say what will happen before it occurs
  2. 3. to force or throw something out
  3. 5. an instrument to measure temperature
  4. 6. to bend around or curve
  5. 7. dict
  6. 8. earth
  7. 9. a special duty in which a person or group is sent to complete
  8. 12. not mobile
  9. 16. bend
  10. 17. a leader who speaks and rules with total power
  11. 18. send
  12. 21. shape