Greek/Roman Crossword Review

  1. 2. Form of debate that is only concerned with success and getting what you want.
  2. 3. The Greeks believed everyone needed this in order to understand issues happening in society and be able to think of solutions.
  3. 5. System developed by the Romans to ensure that no single branch of government has more power than another.
  4. 10. Type of government that is controlled by a small group of elites.
  5. 11. Group that held the most power in Roman Society
  6. 14. Type of government where citizens elect officials to make laws on their behalf.
  7. 15. Ancient Greeks that are also known as the "lovers of wisdom".
  8. 16. The power to block laws
  9. 17. Type of government where ruler has absolute power and is established via force.
  1. 1. The Roman Empire fell in the year 476 to these invaders.
  2. 4. Type of government that requires all eligible voters to meet in one place, at one time to make decisions; often led to Mob Rule..
  3. 6. Greek Poet who wrote "The Odyssey".
  4. 7. The forefathers of the Greeks.
  5. 8. Type of government where ruler has absolute control and is established through heritage.
  6. 9. Greek philosopher who is considered the "Father of History".
  7. 12. One of two Roman classes consisting of the land holding upper class.
  8. 13. Form of debate based on facts, reason, and truth.