- 3. It is the English for VERRE.
- 4. It is the English for CHARBON.
- 7. It is the English for RENOUVELABLE.
- 9. It is the English for TERRE (la TERRE as a planet).
- 10. It is the English for EMBALLAGE.
- 13. It is the colour of ecology.
- 14. It is a invented word to describe a fog created by industrial fumes.
- 15. It is the English for POLLUTION.
- 1. It is the English for SAC, POCHE.
- 2. It is a synonym of ECONOMIZE (you .. water when you take short showers).
- 5. It is the English for PETROLE.
- 6. It is the English for GASPILLER.
- 8. It is a synonym of GOOD FOR THE ENVIRONMENT.
- 10. It is the opposite of NEGATIVE.
- 11. It is the English for CIGARETTE.
- 12. When companies pretend to be ecological with fake labels.