  1. 3. It is the English for VERRE.
  2. 4. It is the English for CHARBON.
  3. 7. It is the English for RENOUVELABLE.
  4. 9. It is the English for TERRE (la TERRE as a planet).
  5. 10. It is the English for EMBALLAGE.
  6. 13. It is the colour of ecology.
  7. 14. It is a invented word to describe a fog created by industrial fumes.
  8. 15. It is the English for POLLUTION.
  1. 1. It is the English for SAC, POCHE.
  2. 2. It is a synonym of ECONOMIZE (you .. water when you take short showers).
  3. 5. It is the English for PETROLE.
  4. 6. It is the English for GASPILLER.
  5. 8. It is a synonym of GOOD FOR THE ENVIRONMENT.
  6. 10. It is the opposite of NEGATIVE.
  7. 11. It is the English for CIGARETTE.
  8. 12. When companies pretend to be ecological with fake labels.