Green Tavern Lab Project 11/5/15

  1. 2. A strong native American leader who united 40 native groups and attacked British settlements
  2. 3. A friendly native group who eventually helped America in the French and Indian war
  3. 5. a founding father of the U.S.A who was a famous printer who also came up with a colony difence plan
  4. 6. A council that would manage the western world for the king had a 'general a president' put in power by the king
  5. 8. The betrayal of ones country
  6. 10. The first president of the United States Of America
  7. 11. A group of men who meet and would eventually conduct the Boston Tea Party
  8. 12. A refusal to buy certain items
  9. 13. People who wanted the coloneys free
  1. 1. A treaty that ended the French and Indian war and gave land to Spain and the British
  2. 4. Also known as the seven years war first true world war
  3. 7. to remove
  4. 9. The British did this to the Cherokee