Greys Anatomy

  1. 4. “ You are a gifted surgeon with an extraordinary mind, Don't let what he wants eclipse what you need. He's very dreamy, but he is not the sun. You are.”
  2. 7. "I'm not board certified and I'm not a virgin!"
  3. 8. “im Married. Since before I met you, And I should have told you. But I'm Married to a guy who almost beat me to death”
  4. 9. “ We’re hot doctors with babies, people are going to stare”
  5. 10. “O’Malley stop looking at my va-jay-jay”
  6. 13. “ The More I Do That, The More You All Just Judge Me And Call Me Crazy, And I'm Not! And I'm Sick Of It, And I'm Done!"
  7. 14. "You try eating after performing 17 rectal exams!”
  8. 16. “i felt more like a sunflower today “
  9. 17. “ You Pretend To Love Me, But Really You're Just Using Me To Fill This Need You Have To Be A Good Guy."
  10. 21. “No, but I mean, it's not completely practical in the long run. I mean, at some point, you have to think about the things that are gonna make you happy, too.”
  11. 22. "When I find a puzzle, it's very hard for me to put it down."
  13. 26. “who’s my favorite Dirty mistress”
  14. 27. “You don’t get to call me a whore , you left me”
  15. 28. "You don't destroy the person that you love."
  16. 29. “ I've never met anyone like me. Widowed so young. It's nice. It helps. To have a friend.”
  17. 31. “I’m asking you to give me ,my dad “
  19. 34. "I Hate Awards. They Don't Make Us Better. They Make Us Competitive And Stupid."
  1. 1. “ you want to be a mess , be a mess . I don’t care I can take it”
  2. 2. “ It's no mistake that God put the G-spot in the birth canal”
  3. 3. “ Life happens. People are imperfect. We fail and we fall, and some of us get kidnapped for a decade, and when we get a second chance at life and happiness, we seize it, regardless of who cheated! Because now we know what matters. Because now we know what's precious. Because now we know that any tiny little moment of happiness that we can grab onto in this lifetime is a moment worth having, regardless of what anyone else thinks.”
  4. 5. “ Sometimes we try to make things better and have no idea that we're actually causing more pain."
  5. 6. “ I am not optimistic. I am not hopeful. I am sure. I am steady”
  6. 11. “I have to believe there's a way. There has to be a way to step off the carousel, to start again, to start fresh. There has to be a way to leave all my ghosts behind. It's a choice.”
  7. 12. “it’s good to be means you still have something to loose”
  8. 15. “she’s kind , strong and beautiful but that won’t matter if she can’t string together a decent sentence.”
  9. 18. “Dr.yang they’re all ready for you”
  10. 19. "There's a billion people out there, but I imagine there's only one her."
  11. 20. “ We're petrified of saying too much or saying it wrong When the truth is, the only wrong thing you can say is nothing at all”
  12. 23. “ Any minute now, she's gonna realize I am the love of her life.”
  13. 25. “Maybe we can fight this thing together like Batman and …Batman”
  14. 30. “ The only way to fail is not to fight. So you fight until you can’t fight anymore.”
  15. 32. “it’s a beautiful day to save lives”