Grocery Store Finds

  1. 2. This aisle contains milk and yogurt for example
  2. 3. Where would I find the cookie dough ice cream? (2 Words)
  3. 4. I want to put a hot dog in a bun, which aisle has what I need?
  4. 5. There is often sliced meat and hot and cold ready-to-eat appetizers available here
  5. 6. Where could I find potato chips, pretzels, and popcorn? (2 Words)
  6. 9. This month this section carries Halloween supplies, next month it will change
  7. 11. If you like Hershey's M and Ms, Skittles, or other packaged sweets head here
  8. 12. The section to go for burger, steak, or pasta sauce
  9. 15. Once you've got all your items you go to the ______ (2 Words)
  10. 16. Find cereal, some granola bars here
  1. 1. Want some soup or baked beans? Try this section
  2. 4. Grab a bottle of pop(or soda), lemonade, or flavored water in this section
  3. 7. Would lettuce and oranges be in the produce section?
  4. 8. Which section would I go to if I was looking for a live lobster or fresh fish?
  5. 10. Fresh bread, pastries, and cookies may reside in this aisle
  6. 12. Some stores have a section dedicated to this warm morning beverage
  7. 13. Would I find books in the bread section?
  8. 14. Which section is sugar found? (2 Words)