Groundhog Day

  1. 1. If the groundhog goes back in its burrow there will be _____ more weeks of winter.
  2. 3. What is the name of the most famous groundhog?
  3. 6. What is the name of the action to sleep during the winter?
  4. 7. Crowds gather at ___________ to see the groundhog wake up.
  5. 8. If the groundhog stays outside there will be an early _________.
  6. 9. Some people say say that the groundhog can __________ the weather.
  7. 13. The groundhog, hamster, rabbit and Capibara are all members of the ____ family.
  8. 16. Groundhog day takes place on the __________ of February.
  9. 17. What US state is the most famous Groundhog Day celebration?
  10. 18. During the winter the groundhog lives __________.
  11. 19. If the groundhog sees its __________ it goes back in its burrow.
  12. 20. If the groundhog _____ not see its shadow it stays outside.
  1. 1. Some people believe in the groundhog's predictions, others think it is just a _______________.
  2. 2. The main actor of Groundhog Day was ________ Murray
  3. 4. Germans don't use a groundhog to predict the weather, they use a _________ (borsuk
  4. 5. Another name of Groundhog Day is _______________.
  5. 10. What is the name of a groundhog's home?
  6. 11. A groundhog is not a bird, amphibian or insect it is a _________.
  7. 12. How much wood could a ______________ chuck?
  8. 14. Groundhogs eate both small animals and vegetations, they are ___________
  9. 15. The origins of Groundhog Day come from _________.