Groundhog Day

  1. 5. The season of new life.
  2. 7. Top-Hatted men who take care of Punxsutawney Phil.
  3. 8. A long, slow and difficult journey.
  4. 9. The hometown of the world’s most famous groundhog.
  5. 11. Another name for a weatherman.
  6. 14. An underground home, like that of Punxsy Phil.
  7. 16. A joyful occasion for special festivities to mark some happy event.
  8. 17. Phil is found in this animal classification.
  9. 19. Month of Groundhog day.
  10. 20. The coldest season.
  11. 21. A dark figure cast upon the ground.
  1. 1. Conditions of the atmosphere.
  2. 2. A story handed down from the past.
  3. 3. Actor who stared in the movie "Groundhog Day."
  4. 4. Punxsy Phil is one.
  5. 6. One who foretells future events.
  6. 10. A prediction of the weather.
  7. 12. Where Phil makes his prognostication.
  8. 13. One who sees.
  9. 15. What groundhogs do during the winter.
  10. 18. Well-known.