Group #1 Summer Spelling Words

  1. 3. We got out our ____________ to grill burgers and hotdogs.
  2. 4. We hiked up into the ______________ on a four-day backpack trip.
  3. 6. I hope we get our favorite _____________ when we go camping this summer.
  4. 8. ______________ is a nice refreshing drink in the summertime.
  5. 10. June is a good time to pick ______________.
  6. 12. When it is sticky and warm out that means it is __________.
  7. 13. The teacher let each student have a ______________ because it was so hot outside.
  1. 1. I love _____________ around the lake in my canoe.
  2. 2. The weather will be much ___________ on Friday than today.
  3. 5. With the summer weather many people wear their summer __________.
  4. 7. Drink lots of water for _______________.
  5. 9. Always pack plenty of ______________ repellent when you go hiking.
  6. 11. It is so relaxing to lie, swinging in the _______________.