- 2. a special layer of a plant that serves as a unique type of skin to protect the plant from harm and promote plant growth
- 3. a flattened structure of a higher plant, typically green and bladelike, that is attached to a stem directly or via a stalk
- 5. the process plants use to turn light into chemical energy photosynthesis
- 7. to allow a mixture of liquid and herbs to sit for a specified period
- 8. a white-handled blade, used specifically for cutting herbs—especially for magickal uses
- 10. the main body or stalk of a plant or shrub
- 1. A gummy, gelatinous, or slippery substance obtained from certain plants
- 4. the seed-bearing part of a plant
- 6. any plant with leaves, seeds, flowers, or other parts that are valued for flavoring, food, magick, medicine, or other practical uses
- 9. made by soaking herbs in liquid in order to extract the flavor or healing properties.