  1. 2. One of the churches sent the Book about the vision of John in Patmos
  2. 4. A king who blessed Abram, King of Salem
  3. 6. Husband of Hannah, Father of Samuel
  4. 8. The one who ascended to Heaven was taken up by a chariot drawn by horses
  5. 9. The descendants promised by God are like the stars in the sky and the sand on the seashore
  6. 11. Father of the First King of Israel
  7. 12. Abraham's nephew, Haran's son
  8. 14. The wife of Killyon, Naomi's daughter-in-law
  9. 15. Son of Boaz
  10. 18. Shepherd from Tekoa
  1. 1. Woman from the Valley of Sorek, wife of Manoah's son
  2. 3. The 50th Day
  3. 5. If X = Old Testament & Y = New Testament, and if the following calculation determines the name of a book in the Bible, then answer to the following question is: X (2+8+3+13+7) - 17
  4. 7. The king who ordered the killing of children aged 2 and under in Bethlehem
  5. 10. Gold currency from Persia weighing approximately 8 grams
  6. 13. length unit of 45 cm
  7. 16. The sixth plague in Egypt
  8. 17. The man from the land of Uz, who was the wealthiest of all the people of the East