GUCU Branch Locations

  1. 1. Milstead Ave.
  2. 2. "Tucked" Away
  3. 4. There are (2) locations...but not in Greece
  4. 5. Lewis & Clark were not the original founders
  5. 7. Capital of Georgia
  6. 8. A "Bridge" that is "Stocked"
  7. 11. UGA
  8. 13. Ireland
  9. 14. Carpet Capital of the World
  10. 15. Located in the Department of Transportation building
  1. 1. East Felton Rd.
  2. 3. Office
  3. 6. Towers
  4. 9. Canton Hwy.
  5. 10. Where it's "Greater"
  6. 12. Not "South" Atlanta
  7. 13. There are (2) locations in the Carpet Capital of the World
  8. 14. Satellite Blvd.