Guess the Term

  1. 2. The components of food that are necessary for our body
  2. 4. The green pigment that helps the leaves in photosynthesis
  3. 7. The mode of nutrition in which organisms make food themselves
  4. 9. Tiny pores present in the under surface of a leaf
  5. 10. The plants which eat insects
  6. 13. The synthesis of food that occurs in the presence of sunlight
  7. 14. Organisms live together and share shelter and nutrients
  1. 1. It deprives the host of the plant and takes in valuable nutrients
  2. 2. The mode of taking food by an organism and its utilisation by the body
  3. 3. Slimy, Green patches in ponds or in other stagnant water
  4. 5. The plant on which a parasite climbs
  5. 6. The mode of nutrition in which organisms take in ready-made food
  6. 8. The bodies of living organisms that are made of tiny units
  7. 11. The mode of nutrition in which organisms take in nutrients in solution form from dead and decaying matter
  8. 12. A chlorophyll containing partner, which is an algae and a fungus live together