Guess Who?

  1. 2. I am the senior most female member of the Swift team, you knew that right? "Oh, please"
  2. 4. Billing & Collection
  3. 9. Ammai
  4. 10. MnA, CVG, Kegler,
  5. 13. "hey, even i am from NLS-B"
  6. 16. nnrsvnan iataahai
  7. 20. HR
  8. 22. IT
  9. 23. TISS anyone?
  1. 1. I completed Law from NLSIU, joined BMR, completed LLM from Georgetown and then have been with all of you since then
  2. 3. Top Secret: Even I worked in AMSS for 2 years :P
  3. 5. RBI?did any one say RBI
  4. 6. I just completed a year
  5. 7. I worked in AMSS for 2 years, did LLM from University of Business & Economics, Vienna, and have ben at NDA since the last 3 years
  6. 8. My 'EA' will co-ordinate
  7. 9. I got enrolled in the bar in 2001, worked with a number of law firms, got married in 2004 and finally joined NDA
  8. 11. He is the one with all the private equity in all the real estate
  9. 12. I am the 'sizzershal' among all of us
  10. 14. Vidya 'Bagchi'
  11. 15. The Gaijin among us
  12. 17. Top of the Pyramid
  13. 18. Munchen
  14. 19. pisi
  15. 21. "Boss!! this is not acceptable"