  1. 2. older teacher, university
  2. 3. to start fighting or hurting someone
  3. 7. fight between countries
  4. 10. very big
  5. 12. a piece of attractive metal
  6. 13. person who does magic tricks
  7. 15. a show that people watch and enjoy
  8. 19. the study of the past
  9. 20. owner of an animal
  1. 1. great surprise
  2. 4. animal or monster
  3. 5. study of numbers and shapes
  4. 6. to fight or do something difficult
  5. 8. about government
  6. 9. person paid to help
  7. 11. move on hands and knees
  8. 14. a horse sound
  9. 16. very small
  10. 17. a prize
  11. 18. a way of doing something