Staying Healthy and Keeping Fit

  1. 2. Type of stretching recommended after playing tennis
  2. 6. Common cause of viral summer food poisoning
  3. 7. Protection, Optimal Loading, Ice, Compression, Elevation
  4. 9. Type of stretching recommended before playing tennis
  5. 10. What the "D" in COVID-19 stands for
  6. 11. The Four C's of preventing food poisoning: Cleaning, Cooking, Cross-Contamination and __________
  1. 1. Chest compressions should be at the tempo of this 70s song
  2. 2. Medical term for stretched ligament
  3. 3. Tennis Elbow - Lateral _________
  4. 4. Fungus that attacks the brain in The Last of Us
  5. 5. Medical term for pulled muscle
  6. 8. Acronymn for the traditional approach to treating sprains