Gym Leader Jaime's Pokemon Hunt

  1. 3. (rock & fire) a giant monster made of coal.
  2. 4. (water) a blue, red, and white whale.
  3. 8. (fire & water) a red and gold monster that has steam abilities.
  4. 12. (rock) a white, orange, and gray wolf with blue eyes.
  5. 13. (ground and rock) a combination of a rhino and an armadillo with a unicorn horn.
  6. 15. (fire) an orange duck with a giant forehead.
  7. 17. (grass & poison) the final form of a bulbasaur.
  8. 18. (electric & dragon) a purple and yellow dragon with lightning bolt horns.
  9. 19. (ghost & grass) a giant scary tree with one orange eye.
  10. 21. (dark & ice) a white ice leopard with diamond-shaped spots and long fangs.
  11. 22. (ice) a white horse with ice armor.
  12. 23. (electric) a flying lightbulb with lightning bolt pigtails.
  1. 1. (water) the final form of a squirtle.
  2. 2. (bug & water) a white and purple insect with hard scales and sharp claws.
  3. 5. (steel & poison) a scary purple car.
  4. 6. (fire & flying) the final form of a charmander.
  5. 7. (grass & dark) a white and green magician carries a floating flower.
  6. 9. (dark & grass) a snail made of grass and leaves with a wood shell.
  7. 10. (rock & ground) a giant snake made of rocks.
  8. 11. (rock & ground) a geodude with four arms.
  9. 13. (fire) a white horse with a mane and tail made of fire.
  10. 14. (dragon & ice) a dragon made of rocks with wings made of ice.
  11. 16. (fighting &steel) a blue and black wolf that wears shorts.
  12. 20. (ice & fairy) a white fox with lots of tails.