  1. 2. Favourite breed
  2. 3. New as of today
  3. 4. Clare likes to puzzle over these
  4. 6. Popped the question here
  5. 8. Couples generator
  6. 11. Evan’s kryptonite
  7. 13. Clare’s birth month
  8. 15. Evans birth month
  9. 16. Clare was born here
  10. 18. Walked this bridge together
  11. 19. Common school
  1. 1. Clare bagged a job here
  2. 5. Early glimmers
  3. 7. Complicating factor in planning the wedding
  4. 9. Day Evan was born less day Clare was born
  5. 10. Loves blossom
  6. 12. Swinging together
  7. 14. Evan’s favorite sport
  8. 16. Evan lived on this street
  9. 17. Competitor for Evan’s attention