H World History 1: China and India Maps

  1. 3. country across the Yellow Sea(Huang Hai)
  2. 4. One of the largest cities of the Ancient Indus civilization; one of two twin cities located on the Northern Indus River
  3. 6. Western name for Huang Hai
  4. 7. Western name for Xi Jiang river
  5. 10. Mountain range across the center of India
  6. 11. Sea between Korea and Japan
  7. 14. Wall of mountains Northeast of India separating India from China
  8. 15. Country separated by the Himalaya mountain range from India
  9. 16. Western name for Huang He River
  10. 19. sea between China and Korea
  11. 20. Body of water South of India
  12. 22. Plain in Northern central India in which the first Indian civilization began
  13. 24. Sea south of China
  14. 26. country of archipelagos across the Sea of Japan
  15. 29. Mountain range marking border across the top (North) of India
  16. 30. Mountain range separating Northwestern China from Russia
  17. 33. Desert located above China and below Mongolia and Manchuria
  18. 36. Western name for Chang Jiang River
  19. 37. Shortest and most southern of the big three rivers
  20. 38. country Northeastern to China
  21. 39. River going across Northwestern India
  22. 40. Body of water West of India
  1. 1. Ancient city; modern day conterpart is Xi'an; location of the terracotta warriors
  2. 2. country North to China
  3. 5. Mountain pass which allowed Indo-Aryans to invade India
  4. 8. Northwestern mountain range separating India from the West
  5. 9. Holy River in India starting in the Indo-Gangetic Plain
  6. 12. Sea east of China
  7. 13. Body of water East of India
  8. 17. Mountain range separating China from the West; located above the Himalayas
  9. 18. Plateua region in Southern India separated from the rest of India by the Vindhya mountain range
  10. 21. City on the Southern bank of the Ganges River, Home to St. Mother Teresa
  11. 23. Third longest river in the world; Name literally means long river
  12. 25. One of the largest cities of the Ancient Indus civilization; one of two twin cities located on the Southern Indus River
  13. 27. Modern day city of Chang'an
  14. 28. Northernmost major river in China; named so for the Yellow silt
  15. 31. Highest peak of the world, located in the Himalaya mountain range
  16. 32. Densely populated modern day city located in the Decan Plateau
  17. 34. China's massive capital city
  18. 35. Ancient city built on the Northern bank of the Ganges River