Habitable Planets and Where to Find Them

  1. 3. earth, mars for example are _______
  2. 5. there is supposedly ____ on habitable planets
  3. 6. our home
  4. 9. milky way, for example
  5. 11. a exoplanet in the habitable zone of proxima centauri
  6. 13. Orion, the big dipper, the small dipper
  7. 14. closest star system to earth
  1. 1. earth, mars, mercury, venus, jupiter,saturn,neptune, uranus is one
  2. 2. Tess,Hubble,
  3. 4. life-forms that are not from earth,from outer space
  4. 7. solar system with possible habitable planets, google made a doodle about it...
  5. 8. how we're going to space
  6. 10. telescope that discovered between 1-12 habitable planets
  7. 12. all space, basically