
  1. 2. noticeably, significantly
  2. 3. dismiss, disperse, break up
  3. 5. prevent, hinder, avert
  4. 7. overflow, teem, be plentiful, be numerous
  5. 10. impenetrable, impervious
  6. 12. promote, speak in favor of
  7. 13. subsequent, following
  8. 16. impressive, difficult to handle
  9. 18. huge, very large
  10. 19. adaptable, flexible
  11. 21. innate, built-in, essential, congenital
  1. 1. unaffordable, extreme, exorbitant
  2. 4. concept, general idea; opinion, view
  3. 6. supposed, assumed
  4. 8. inhabitant, resident
  5. 9. implicit, implied, unspoken
  6. 11. significant, major
  7. 14. integrate, combine, coalesce
  8. 15. famous, celebrated, prominent, eminent
  9. 17. settle, find a solution for
  10. 20. completely, totally