Haily Peerenboom Vietnam Conflict

  1. 4. What were the communists in control of?
  2. 7. Describe the type of military force President Kennedy sent to Vietnam.
  3. 8. Who were the people that attacked the North?
  4. 9. Which President sent a half a million US combat troops to Vietnam?
  5. 10. before World War Two Vietnam had been part of the what?
  6. 12. North Vietnamese boats attacked what?
  7. 13. The war broke out between where?
  8. 14. Who did President Kennedy help when he sent the Military Advisers?
  9. 15. What was the first Asian Nation to fall to Communism?
  1. 1. The war in Vietnam was costing how much a year?
  2. 2. After World War Two Ho Chi Minh declared what?
  3. 3. The conflict in Vietnam that developed following World War II can best be described as this type of War
  4. 5. Who was the leader of the communist Vietnamese resistance movement?
  5. 6. Who was a corrupt leader?
  6. 11. The USA was afraid that communism would spread to where?