hair theory

  1. 5. What is the active growing stage of hair called?
  2. 6. an area of cells around the dermal papilla
  3. 9. the second layer consisting of unique protein structures
  4. 10. Which hair structure contains melanin to give hair its natural color?
  5. 11. is a segment of the outer root sheath.
  6. 12. hair that grows on the scalp.
  7. 17. what muscle causes the hair to stand on end?
  8. 18. eyelash hair.
  9. 19. Which hair structure supplies nourishment to the hair bulb?
  10. 20. What is the term used to describe baby fine silky hair on the body at birth?
  1. 1. is a mass of loose connective tissue located at the base of the hair follicle.
  2. 2. the hair follicle thehairstrand the arrector pili muscle and the sabaceous gland make up the?
  3. 3. thick coarse hair that grows on the face to form a beard.
  4. 4. The shape of the hairstrand is determined by the shape of the.
  5. 7. abnormal coverage of hair on areas of the body where normally only lanugo or baby-fine hair appears.
  6. 8. is a process where cells change their shape dry out and form keratin protein.
  7. 11. The lower segment of the hair follicle that extends from the follicle base to the insertion of the arrector pili muscle is the
  8. 13. the central core of the hairstrand also called the pith or marrow
  9. 14. eyebrow hair.
  10. 15. the outer covering of the hairstrand made up of overlapping layers of transparent scales
  11. 16. the study of hair.