Halides and Addition/Substitution Reactions

  1. 4. yes/no, are halides flammable?
  2. 5. halides are classified based on the ___ ___ the halogen is bonded to
  3. 6. addition reactions occur ____ than substitution reactions
  4. 9. ___ are added to alkenes and alkynes in addition reactions
  5. 12. primary halides are connected to carbons connnected to this many other carbon(s)
  6. 14. human risk of halides is considered ___
  7. 16. ____ reactions are when one element is removed and replaced
  8. 18. in addition reactions a multiple bond is ___
  9. 19. an organic compound that contains at least one carbon-halogen bond
  10. 20. halides have higher ___ points than alkanes
  1. 1. this prefix would be used with the compound C2H5I
  2. 2. when a halogen reacts with an alkane
  3. 3. the EPA regulates this application of halides
  4. 7. a element/group that is added to a molecule in a substitution reaction
  5. 8. this is produced in combustions with halides
  6. 10. this threatened by the use of chlorofluorocarbons
  7. 11. halides are ___ in water
  8. 13. fire ___ solvents are one use of halides
  9. 15. what prefix is used for bromine
  10. 17. when a carbon is attached to three carbons and one halogen