Hallloween Scavenger Hunt

  1. 3. A form of punishment and public humiliation. Not to so different from the career presented in the Wolf of Wall Street then.
  2. 7. The form of Sabrina’s familiar, but found where the goddess Bast is most likely to reside.
  3. 8. This autumnal crop is a staple in the Americas and depicted on many vessels from the region, its name resembles labyrinth so err on the side of caution.
  4. 12. Her pinched expression and tiny feet can’t hide her regal-bearing but they do highlight that she is indeed human.
  5. 13. These miniature tutu-wearing dipteras
  6. 15. Animals/creatures appear a lot in art work, often as symbols of good luck or to denote status. This mythical creatures is often associated with royalty in East Asian cultures. Here its claws are made of what luminescent material.
  7. 16. Vladivostok may not be my idea of a premier destination but to these extinct woolly creatures it was home and place if interest to a certain intrepid woman.
  8. 17. All Hallows eve is often a night of transformations. This mask may have you ‘tap, tap, tapping, nevermore’ at Poe’s door.
  9. 19. These dogs help save the day by carrying medicine on their epic run to Nome, Alaska. How many of these dogs are sleigh-worthy in the case that would give CITES the heebie jeebies.
  1. 1. You need to attend Professor Sprout’s class to learn how to properly uproot this very lively and magical plant.
  2. 2. Open this at your own peril…we tried to warn you! Here comes Bette Midler straight out of Hocus Pocus.
  3. 4. Our namesake lingers over here begging you now to cross the __________ to the other side…also known as the Natural History Museum. (9)
  4. 5. These objects are often used to divine ones future, who knows what may be written in les etoiles for you.
  5. 6. The name of these musical instruments are derived from the Greek word for tongue, but they are actually all thumbs. [Bonus point: What is the indigenous name of these instruments?]
  6. 9. These three wise animals were popularised by emojis, but are actually derived from Japanese religious and philosophical maxim, speak no ____, hear no ___, and see no ___. [Bonus for filling in the blanks.
  7. 10. Animals/creatures appear a lot in art work, often as symbols of good luck or to denote status. This mythical creatures is often associated with royalty in East Asian cultures. Here its claws are made of what luminescent material.
  8. 11. From ‘Gotta catch’em all’ to ace detective, this enlightening franchise mascot is no blowhard, but he maybe a pied piper that distracts children from schoolwork.
  9. 14. If you like the tale of the Flying Dutchman or fancy Captain Sparrow’s cursed Black Pearl then this case is your jam.
  10. 18. It is said that Halloween is when the veil between the living and the afterlife is at its thinnest, it may be the best time to pull back the curtain and commune with the extinct avians that helped bake this object.