
  1. 3. witch's pot
  2. 5. long wiggly things
  3. 6. pretend clothing
  4. 9. ghoul
  5. 10. the walking dead
  6. 11. long teeth
  7. 13. round things we see with
  8. 14. orange haired circus figure
  9. 15. dark feline
  10. 16. practices magic
  11. 18. white circle in sky
  1. 1. undead creature that feeds on blood
  2. 2. male witch
  3. 4. scary animal-like creature
  4. 5. man turned wolf
  5. 7. fall holiday
  6. 8. scared feeling
  7. 12. something scary
  8. 15. Flying mammal
  9. 17. wooden body box