
  1. 1. Name of both Sabrina's black cat and a city in Massachusetts (5)
  2. 3. The number one song on Spotify's Top Halloween Tracks playlist (8)
  3. 7. Something a ghost might say (3)
  4. 8. 8-legged creepy-crawly (6)
  5. 11. Novel written by Mary Shelley (12)
  6. 12. Scary creature hiding under the bed; imaginary? (7)
  7. 14. What you would traditionally carve to make a Jack O' Lantern (7)
  8. 15. Thought to repel vampires (5)
  9. 17. Popular Halloween costume, includes red horns and a tail (5)
  10. 18. Cob___; ___site (3)
  11. 19. One of the Halloween colours, representing death and darkness (5)
  12. 20. Wrapped in bandages; maternal figure? (5)
  13. 21. The friendly ghost (6)
  14. 23. It is said that men shapeshift into wolves during a...(4,4)
  15. 24. What you might wear on Halloween (7)
  16. 25. "Blind as a ___" (3)
  17. 26. ______ apples are a crunchy, sweet Halloween treat! (6)
  18. 27. Trick or...? (5)
  19. 28. Protagonist of the Halloween movie series, Michael _____ (5)
  20. 29. Pointy, sharp teeth (5)
  21. 31. Witch's mode of transport? (5)
  22. 34. Anagram of LUNARCOD (8)
  23. 35. Strange, frightening (6)
  1. 1. Anagram of NOTSLEEK (8)
  2. 2. Popular Halloween movie night genre (6)
  3. 4. Title character of Bram Stoker's 1897 gothic horror novel (5, 7)
  4. 5. Daughter of Morticia and Gomez Addams (9)
  5. 6. Inhabited by ghostly beings (7)
  6. 9. Popular Halloween costume amongst young girls (8)
  7. 10. A ‘revived’ corpse (6)
  8. 13. A group of witches (5)
  9. 14. Anagram of GLITTERPOSE (11)
  10. 16. Meaning of the old English word 'Hallow' (5)
  11. 19. _____curdling (5)
  12. 22. Season also known as Fall (6)
  13. 25. Both Beyoncé and Kylie Jenner have donned Halloween costumes as this Mattel manufactured doll (6)
  14. 30. Are you ______ of the dark? (6)
  15. 32. The month in which Halloween falls (7)
  16. 33. Worn to cover the face (4)