
  1. 8. a place where the dead are buried
  2. 9. frightening, creepy, eerie
  3. 10. a hollowed pumpkin with a face carved into it
  4. 13. extremely frightening
  5. 14. a fictional scientist who creates a monster
  6. 16. the season between summer and winter
  7. 18. a type or style of clothing
  8. 19. grows in a patch
  1. 1. a large pot for boiling over a fire
  2. 2. spirits of the dead
  3. 3. ugly and barbarous monster appearing in tales
  4. 4. a famous vampire
  5. 5. creature believed to transform from man to wolf
  6. 6. mixtures of liquid ingredients
  7. 7. strange or puzzling
  8. 9. the bones in a human or animal
  9. 11. to cut into something
  10. 12. what a vampire sleeps in
  11. 15. a cement block that marks a grave
  12. 17. a dead body