
  1. 5. Who is a famous vampire?
  2. 6. Who flies on a broom?
  3. 7. What do we do to a pumpkin?
  4. 8. What is another name for a carved pumpkin?
  5. 9. They are bad luck.
  6. 11. What do you eat on Halloween?
  7. 13. What creature says "boo"?
  8. 15. What is Frankenstein?
  9. 16. What is the vegetable that represents Halloween in the United States?
  10. 17. What month is Halloween?
  1. 1. What colors represents Halloween?
  2. 2. What is a man with all bones?
  3. 3. What has eight legs and a web?
  4. 4. _________ house
  5. 7. What is the black pot that witches use?
  6. 10. What do you wear on Halloween?
  7. 11. Where does a vampire sleep?
  8. 12. What creature comes from a pyramid?
  9. 14. _________ or treat
  10. 18. What animal says whoooo? whooooo?