
  1. 3. On Halloween, children knock on people's doors to ask for these.
  2. 6. During which month is Halloween celebrated?
  3. 10. Famous vampire.
  4. 11. A large rounded orange vegetable.
  5. 12. What spiders make.
  6. 15. What you need to wear during Halloween.
  7. 16. Where a vampire sleeps.
  1. 1. The spirit of a dead person.
  2. 2. It is made of bones.
  3. 4. A man who has magical powers.
  4. 5. Frightening.
  5. 7. He drinks blood.
  6. 8. You wear this to cover your face.
  7. 9. A house inhabited by ghosts is ...
  8. 13. A witch's transportation.
  9. 14. A person who changes into a wolf when there is a full moon.