
  1. 4. Pot witches use to make potion in
  2. 10. The headless horseman lives here
  3. 11. Grown and carved for Halloween
  4. 13. Casts spells
  5. 16. Drinks blood
  6. 17. Vampires turn into these
  7. 20. The place where ghosts reside
  8. 22. The natural light of Halloween
  9. 23. Halloween month
  10. 25. Creature that howls at the moon
  11. 26. The surname of Winifred, Mary, and Sarah
  12. 27. Common name for an arachnid
  13. 28. The undead
  14. 29. A male witch
  1. 1. A ghost's occupation
  2. 2. A carved pumpkin
  3. 3. A building where the dead are laid to rest
  4. 5. A witch's laugh
  5. 6. The season when Halloween takes place
  6. 7. If you opt out of a treat, you have to do this
  7. 8. A witch's ride
  8. 9. A spirit
  9. 11. The flavor of Autumn
  10. 12. Wrapped in bandages
  11. 13. A spider's home
  12. 14. Worn on Halloween
  13. 15. Where bodies are buried
  14. 18. A bad dream
  15. 19. The date of Halloween
  16. 21. A treat made of caramel and popcorn
  17. 24. Vampires sleep in these