
  1. 1. what people wear on Halloween
  2. 2. the halloween store
  3. 4. irish tradition where you bob for...
  4. 6. what kind of ritual was Halloween originally
  5. 8. the day Halloween fell on this year
  6. 10. the pranksters wore to hide their face
  7. 11. what Dracula turns into
  8. 13. Ms.Peters' favorite holiday
  9. 14. what kids do if not given a treat
  10. 15. originally their holiday
  11. 17. not real, says boo
  1. 1. nightmare before
  2. 3. best part of halloween
  3. 5. carved pumpkin
  4. 6. a gourd
  5. 7. a thief in the Carribean
  6. 9. what church influenced Halloween
  7. 12. what kids want
  8. 16. the group that brought over trick or treating