
  1. 3. what do you say during Halloween
  2. 6. where do you trick or treat
  3. 8. spooky scary
  4. 10. the walking dead
  5. 13. people go here to get scared
  6. 14. a friendly ghost
  7. 15. skeletons are made of...
  8. 17. older women with a broom
  9. 20. bug with eight legs
  1. 1. what's the name of a carved pumpkin
  2. 2. drinks blood
  3. 4. what's the most unpopular candy
  4. 5. what do you wear during Halloween
  5. 7. spooky night
  6. 9. what day is Halloween
  7. 11. what is the main color of Halloween
  8. 12. orange balls
  9. 16. how candy tastes
  10. 18. maze
  11. 19. what is the aesthetic for Halloween