- 3. Original costumes used while "souling"
- 6. Jack o Lantern origin
- 11. First slasher movie
- 13. Original treats from trick or treating
- 14. The Mistress of the Dark
- 16. Vegetable associated with Mischief Night
- 18. Roman Goddess Honored on Halloween
- 19. The full moon in October
- 21. What might you see if a loved one is watching over you?
- 22. The headless Horseman's horse
- 1. Who was the first First Lady to decorate the White House for Halloween?
- 2. Who brought Halloween to the US
- 4. What did people carve before pumpkins?
- 5. Origin of Halloween
- 7. The headless Horseman's head
- 8. In what state is it illegal to dress as a priest or nun?
- 9. Night before Halloween
- 10. The vampire in Nosferatu
- 12. Candy corn's original name
- 15. Dracula's inspiration
- 17. What happened on Halloween in 1991
- 20. What fruit can tell the future on Halloween