
  1. 3. Original costumes used while "souling"
  2. 6. Jack o Lantern origin
  3. 11. First slasher movie
  4. 13. Original treats from trick or treating
  5. 14. The Mistress of the Dark
  6. 16. Vegetable associated with Mischief Night
  7. 18. Roman Goddess Honored on Halloween
  8. 19. The full moon in October
  9. 21. What might you see if a loved one is watching over you?
  10. 22. The headless Horseman's horse
  1. 1. Who was the first First Lady to decorate the White House for Halloween?
  2. 2. Who brought Halloween to the US
  3. 4. What did people carve before pumpkins?
  4. 5. Origin of Halloween
  5. 7. The headless Horseman's head
  6. 8. In what state is it illegal to dress as a priest or nun?
  7. 9. Night before Halloween
  8. 10. The vampire in Nosferatu
  9. 12. Candy corn's original name
  10. 15. Dracula's inspiration
  11. 17. What happened on Halloween in 1991
  12. 20. What fruit can tell the future on Halloween