- 4. What is the term used for a fear of ghosts?
- 5. What is the day after Halloween called?
- 6. How many minutes does Michael Keaton appear on screen in Beetlejuice"?
- 8. Vincent Price provides the spooky monologue at the end of what popular Halloween song?
- 10. It is believed that seeing one of these on Halloween represents the spirit of a loved one visiting.
- 12. When did the first Spirit Halloween stores open?
- 13. What is the name of the chocolate company that holds the largest share of Halloween candy sales?
- 14. In what European country were the first Halloween costumes worn?
- 15. In Germany, it is traditional to put away which kitchen instrument?
- 16. The three witches in Hocus Pocus are Winnie, Mary, and who?
- 19. What ancient Roman festival influenced many Halloween traditions?
- 20. Where is Transylvania, otherwise known as home to Count Dracula, located?
- 22. What is the most commercially successful horror movie of all time?
- 24. What is the name of the town where “The Nightmare Before Christmas” takes place?
- 25. What was the original name for Candy Corn?
- 1. What year is the next Halloween with a full moon?
- 2. Which ancient festival is Halloween said to have originated from?
- 3. Who wrote the novel “Frankenstein”?
- 7. What is the most popular Halloween costume for adults?
- 8. Before pumpkins, which root vegetable did the Irish and Scottish carve on Halloween?
- 9. In what year were fun-size candy bars introduced?
- 11. The mask worn by Michael Myers in Halloween was actually a William Shatner mask.
- 17. Core to Día de Muertos is the ________ or the altar created to honor the dead.
- 18. What does Charlie Brown get in his trick-or-treat bag in 'It's the Great Pumpkin', Charlie Brown?
- 19. What is the most popular Halloween costume for pets?
- 21. Which U.S. state produces the most pumpkins?
- 23. Which movie is generally considered the Scariest Horror Movies Ever?