Halloween Crossword

  1. 1. Iconic Candy Flavor (Cho......)
  2. 4. What is the aesthetic of Halloween (Spo...)
  3. 5. Popular Candy (Hers...s)
  4. 7. Popular Candy (Tw..)
  5. 9. Carving Pumpkin's Name (Jack-)
  6. 11. Month of Halloween
  7. 13. Popular Candy (Sk......)
  8. 15. What do you get during Halloween?
  9. 17. Popular halloween figure (Skel.....)
  10. 18. What do you say during Halloween?
  11. 20. Popular Candy (Air.....)
  1. 2. What do you wear during Halloween?
  2. 3. Ingredient in every candy (Su...)
  3. 6. Popular Candy (Sn......)
  4. 8. Who do you trick or treat with (Fr.....)
  5. 10. Where do you trick or treat (Neigh.......)
  6. 12. What is the main color of Halloween? (O.....)
  7. 14. How candy tastes (Swe..)
  8. 16. Popular Halloween Figure (Gh...)
  9. 19. What is the date of Halloween (Thirty...)