- 1. Iconic Candy Flavor (Cho......)
- 4. What is the aesthetic of Halloween (Spo...)
- 5. Popular Candy (Hers...s)
- 7. Popular Candy (Tw..)
- 9. Carving Pumpkin's Name (Jack-)
- 11. Month of Halloween
- 13. Popular Candy (Sk......)
- 15. What do you get during Halloween?
- 17. Popular halloween figure (Skel.....)
- 18. What do you say during Halloween?
- 20. Popular Candy (Air.....)
- 2. What do you wear during Halloween?
- 3. Ingredient in every candy (Su...)
- 6. Popular Candy (Sn......)
- 8. Who do you trick or treat with (Fr.....)
- 10. Where do you trick or treat (Neigh.......)
- 12. What is the main color of Halloween? (O.....)
- 14. How candy tastes (Swe..)
- 16. Popular Halloween Figure (Gh...)
- 19. What is the date of Halloween (Thirty...)