halloween easier

  1. 3. Most common halloween color
  2. 5. People wear these on halloween
  3. 7. A witch rides one of these
  4. 9. Fruit that tastes good covered in carmel
  5. 11. They fly in the sky at night
  6. 12. Field where your pumpkins are grown
  7. 14. A word/sound used to scare people
  8. 16. Vampires usually bite you here
  9. 17. Vampire use these to bite
  1. 1. Spins a web
  2. 2. ancient fire people lit on Samhain
  3. 4. A place where a ghost might be
  4. 6. He’s all wrapped up in rags.
  5. 8. People wear these on their face on halloween
  6. 10. What is carved for halloween
  7. 11. Favorite drink of vampires
  8. 13. Prank played on halloween night
  9. 15. Treat given out on halloween
  10. 18. This will haunt a house