Halloween Medium

  1. 2. Carved for Halloween
  2. 5. They like to howl at the moon.
  3. 6. A word used to scare.
  4. 8. Halloween month
  5. 10. October 31st
  6. 12. Little creatures that fly at night
  7. 13. Place where ghost may be
  1. 1. Treat given out on Halloween
  2. 3. You use this to cover your face on Halloween
  3. 4. Might be half, full or new.
  4. 5. Likes to fly a broom
  5. 7. You don't want to cross their path.
  6. 9. A skeleton is just a bunch of...
  7. 11. Halloween's favorite color.
  8. 12. Vampires favorite drink
  9. 14. Catches bugs in her web.