Halloween Riddles!

  1. 4. Through the woods we stumble, in the dark we trip and tumble. Only a camera to light our way but it will not be enough to keep her at bay.
  2. 9. From the Mind of Jordan Peele, this monster doesn't seem real. Skulking around a hollywood horse farm, this beast looks to do harm. Also a monkey eats a girl's face and will have you saying this one-word negative phrase.
  3. 12. Zombie movies are so fun whether they walk, shamble or run! In this undead flick you see whole hordes and there's a ton! Going from nation to nation you see the zed revolution, It's based on the book from the author of Devolution.
  4. 13. Well done you wonderful soul, thanks for joining my game, this blue and purple monster farms power now tell me... what is his name?
  5. 15. The monster, the man, create life was his plan. The doctor, grave robber, gave fate no bother. Lightning strike, a groan in the night, the village gathers to set it alight. Up from the table it moaned its answer, arise arise was this man's monster.
  6. 16. The world is always bigger than it seems With monsters in the deep to make your ears scream The Elder King will come when called, Though what soon follows is the death of all
  7. 17. This series has multiple seasons to boast, spanning from east to west and coast to coast. Lady Gaga, Kathy Bates, and Adam Levine, these guest stars all arrived to make you scream.
  8. 18. As the weather gets colder the children better be good or else this monster of old will beat them with wood!
  9. 21. As Puerto Rico is to the Chupacabra, so are the Himalayan Mountains to this Snowy Cryptid...
  10. 23. Enter my labyrinth if you don't have a care. Are you as brave as Theseus? Then grab my horns if you dare
  11. 24. Not Bates but just as psychotic His mind runs wild, his story's chaotic He'll bury the truth, or bury his axe head'
  12. 26. Three words. A Gaelic lake. A Smash character with a baseball bat. An energy drink brand.
  13. 28. These ladies are so stunning they will knock off your socks. However if you look into their eyes, all you'll be is rocks
  14. 29. A demon or creature passed through grins, this movie's horror will have you on pins. A counselor meant to put her patients at ease, let's turn that frown upside down if you please.
  15. 30. That last clue was from Mike our patron! Let's see if you can guess the IP of this matron! Creature of the night, claws of blight, always right and skin as pale as light. Lady Dimitrescu will run her claws right through you.
  16. 31. Once upon a midnight dreary, while I pondered, weak and weary, Over many a quaint and curious volume of forgotten lore— While I nodded, nearly napping, suddenly there came a tapping, As of some one gently rapping, rapping at my chamber door.
  17. 32. A demon of whose roar is flame and fire. Durin's Bane is a monster of hate and ire. The realm of Moria this monster does rule, dragging down the wizard who says "Fly you fools"
  18. 33. Lurking in the forest looking for humans to chew, This monster is also featured in Supernatural season 1 episode two.
  1. 1. What we do in the Shadows, Morbius, Blade, and The Last Voyage of the Demeter. What do these have in common?
  2. 2. A nice Chianti pairs well with a liver. His smile through the glass makes your spine shiver.
  3. 3. This most recent supernatural slasher film by Jordan Peele, Say his name and it will surely make you squeal
  4. 5. Down and down my paper boat did float, in the stream by the sidewalk that was like a moat. Down the sewer did it fall, in the sewer I heard a stranger's call. There a creature with my boat did greet me, but too close I got after my boat I sought for this sewer clown was trying to eat me.
  5. 6. Hailing from Puerto Rico I am really quite hairy, Don't call me Big Foot though, I can be quite scary
  6. 7. How many of these clues are going to be zombie based? In this zombie show we see the real enemy is the human race. With society broken down, Our heroes really get in their steps; Moving from place to place looking for a cure to Cordyceps.
  7. 8. Flowing, fighting, swimming, biting. Onlookers scream their sighting. This leviathan hunts through the water, down from below its victim did caught her.
  8. 10. Summer in the camp was always appealing But down by the lake you might hear screaming His mask haunts that date forever more And his blade will cut you deep to you're core .
  9. 11. I can be a little petty but this answer will really annoy thee. This hairy hominid would have a great only fans with pics only below the knee.
  10. 13. Another riddle from Patron Mike! This next one we think you will like. Over and over the cliffs of Dover, Shaun can't go to the Rover so instead lets head to the Winchester and watch this all blow over.
  11. 14. Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot, and Prongs, one of these animagi does not belong. (Hint: It's the creature, not the man)
  12. 19. A preacher walks away from his flock, to on his farm and grow his corn stalks. More and more crop circles show up, the alien is beaten when they say, "Batter Up"
  13. 20. Congrats on getting that pop culture reference, nothing goes over your head, this fantasy floating monster sports a massive eye on its head!
  14. 22. Want to rule the seven seas? All it takes it so say these words, three. Release the ____!!!
  15. 25. An axe through the door, blood on the floor. Typewriting type type typing. Creepy twin girls stare stare staring. Jack in his work is driven insane, a dull boy no more he looks to cause pain.
  16. 27. I fear none but God and the ocean is my vestment. I fear not the rod and am in the old testament.
  17. 29. Come in my friend and take a seat, you want a trim and I want your meat. Relax in my chair and get off your feet while I slit your throat and as soon as we greet. Down down to the oven and the heat, you better watch out for the Demon Barber of Fleet street...